Vol. 14 Núm. 1 (2023): Texas Water Journal
Texas Water Journal

Volume 14, Issue 1 of the Texas Water Journal, including the publications: “Commentary: Water Infrastructure and Supply Are the Backbone or Achilles’ Heel of Texas’ Future: The Choice is Ours” by Charles Perry; “Low Flow Trends in Texas Stream Segments Serving Unique Hydrologic Functions” by Kartik Venkataraman, Narayanan Kannan, and Victoria Chraibi; “The Use of Historical Data and Global Climate Models to Assess Historical and Future Surface Water and Groundwater Availability in the Trinity River Basin in Texas” by Molly J. Milmo, Jeremy S. McDowell, Monica V. Yesildirek, Glenn R. Harwell; “Frac Sand Facilities and Their Potential Effects on the Groundwater Resources of the Monahans-Mescalero Sand Ecosystem, Permian Basin, Texas” by Robert E. Mace and Chelsea Jones; Discrete Streamflow Measurements and Waterborne Self-Potential Logging of a 43-Kilometer-Long Reach of the Elm Fork Trinity River Upstream from Dallas, Texas” by Jonathan V. Thomas, Scott J. Ikard, Roger K. Trader, and David Rodriguez; “Commentary: 88th Texas State Legislature:  Summaries of Water-Related Legislative Action” by Sarah R. Kirkle, Leah K. Martinsson, Sarah Rountree Schlessinger, Alex R. Ortiz, Perry L. Fowler, Vanessa Puig-Willaims, Jeremy B. Mazur, and Todd H. Votteler; and “The State of Texas Wetlands: A Review of Current and Future Challenges” by Rachel R. Fern, Mattityahu D. Baron, Angela E. England, Jordan C. Giese, Kevin J. Kraai, Joseph D. Lancaster, Shaun L. Old-enburger, James C. Shipes, Barry C. Wilson, and Sara R. Wyckoff.

ISSN 2160-5319. https://doi.org/10.21423/twj.v14i1

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Cover photo: Santa Elena Canyon, Big Bend National Park, Texas. ©2022 Rob Doyle, Pluto911 Photography

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Robert Mace, Chelsea Jones
Frac Sand Facilities and Their Potential Effects on the Groundwater Resources of the Monahans-Mescalero Sand Ecosystem, Permian Basin, Texas
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21423/twj.v14i1.7132
Kartik Venkataraman, Narayanan Kannan, Victoria Chraibi
Low Flow Trends in Texas Stream Segments Serving Unique Hydrologic Functions
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21423/twj.v14i1.7143
Molly Milmo, Jeremy McDowell, Monica Yesildirek, Glenn Harwell
The Use of Historical Data and Global Climate Models to Assess Historical and Future Surface Water and Groundwater Availability in the Trinity River Basin in Texas
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21423/twj.v14i1.7146
Jonathan Van Thomas, Scott Ikard, Roger Trader, David Rodriguez
Discrete Streamflow Measurements and Waterborne Self-Potential Logging of a 43-Kilometer-Long Reach of the Elm Fork Trinity River Upstream from Dallas, Texas
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21423/twj.v14i1.7158
Rachel R. Fern, Mattityahu D. Baron, Angela E. England, Jordan C. Giese, Kevin J. Kraai, Joseph D. Lancaster, Shaun L. Oldenburger, James C. Shipes, Barry C. Wilson, Sara R. Wyckoff
The State of Texas Wetlands: A Review of Current and Future Challenges
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21423/twj.v14i1.7163


Charles Perry
Commentary: Water Infrastructure and Supply Are the Backbone or Achilles’ Heel of Texas’ Future: The Choice is Ours
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21423/twj.v14i1.7157
Todd H. Votteler, Ph.D., Sarah Kirkle, Leah Martinsson, Sarah Rountree Schlessinger, Alex Ortiz, Perry Fowler, Vanessa Puig-Willaims, Jeremy Mazur
88th Texas State Legislature: Summaries of Water-Related Legislative Action
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21423/twj.v14i1.7167