Discrete Streamflow Measurements and Waterborne Self-Potential Logging of a 43-Kilometer-Long Reach of the Elm Fork Trinity River Upstream from Dallas, Texas
Cover photo:  Santa Elena Canyon, Big Bend National Park, Texas.  ©2022 Rob Doyle, Pluto911 Photography
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Trinity River
Elm Fork
Texas water


Continuous and discrete streamflow data were combined with waterborne self-potential (WaSP), surface-water temperature and surface-water conductivity surveys obtained along an approximately 43-kilometer (26.7 miles) surveyed reach of the Elm Fork Trinity River (hereinafter referred to as “Elm Fork”) upstream from Dallas, Texas, to investigate areas of gaining and losing streamflow under various streamflow and seasonal climatic conditions. Discrete streamflow measurements were made at 17 locations on October 12, 2021, and January 25, 2022, at 19 locations on May 17, 2022, and at 18 locations on August 9, 2022. WaSP data were measured from a kayak in January 2022 during a period of base flow along three individually surveyed reaches between the Lake Lewisville Dam and Frasier Dam on the Elm Fork. Together, these data indicated different parts of the Elm Fork functioned as either a gaining or losing stream depending on streamflow and seasonal climatic conditions. Overall, there were estimated net gains in streamflow during the first two discrete-measurement events of about 107 cubic feet per second (ft3/s) and 2 ft3/s in October 2021 and January 2022, respectively, and estimated net losses in streamflow in May 2022 and August 2022 of about 24 ft3/s and 18 ft3/s, respectively.

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Derechos de autor 2023 Jonathan Van Thomas, Scott Ikard, Roger Trader, David Rodriguez