Comment on “Exploring Groundwater Recoverability in Texas: Maximum Economically Recoverable Storage,” published in the Texas Water Journal (2020) 11(1):152-171, by Justin C. Thompson, Charles W. Kreitler, and Michael H. Young
Cover photo: Llano River with fisherman. ©2018 Ray Uherek.
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Palabras clave

groundwater availability
groundwater recoverability
pumping costs
total estimated recoverable storage
maximum economically recoverable storage


Editor-in-Chief's Note: The Texas Water Journal accepted a request by Robert E. Mace, Executive Director and Chief Water Policy Officer at The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment, to share his thoughts on the article, Exploring Groundwater Recoverability in Texas: Maximum Economically Recoverable Storage,” published in the Texas Water Journal (2020) 11(1):152-171, by Justin C. Thompson, Charles W. Kreitler, and Michael H. Young. The opinion expressed in this commentary is the opinion of the individual author and not the opinion of the Texas Water Journal or the Texas Water Resources Institute.

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Mace RE, Ridgeway CK. 2009. Briefing and discussion on managed available groundwater numbers from the joint planning process in groundwater management areas. Austin (Texas): Texas Water Development Board. Public memo to the board members. 2009 Mar 11. 18 p.

Thompson JC, Kreitler CW, Young MH. 2021. Exploring groundwater recoverability in Texas: maximum economically recoverable storage. Texas Water Journal. 11(1):152-171. Available from:

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[TWDB] Texas Water Development Board. 2016. Water for Texas. Austin (Texas): Texas Water Development Board. 133 p. Available from:

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Derechos de autor 2021 Robert Mace