Interjecting Economics into the Surface Water Dialogue
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019). Cover Photo: Painted bunting at Madla Park, Grey Forest, Texas. ©2018 Grace Hardy.
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Palabras clave

surface water regulations
surface water allocation
surface water tax


This paper applies the conceptual lens of economic efficiency as a criterion by which to evaluate surface water in Texas. We identify two major problems. First, Texas has a water allocation problem limiting the ability to substitute groundwater for surface water to move water between river basins and to facilitate transfers within a river basin. Second, surface water is both underpriced and unresponsive to drought conditions preventing it from being used at its highest and best use. We propose a variety of partial solutions, which include facilitating greater reliance on water markets as well as a water tax that would vary across regions and over time to encourage conservation.

Citation: Vaca M, Richards S, Davis A, Jackson K, Timur N, Manzoor F, Azam S, Feltman R, Griffin J. 2019. Interjecting economics into the surface water dialogue. Texas Water Journal. 10(1):112-127. Available from:

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Derechos de autor 2019 James Milton Griffin