Commentary: Fresh, Clean Water for Texans Now and for Generations to Come
Llano River with fisherman. ©2018 Ray Uherek.


Texas House of Representatives
natural resources
Texas water policy


Editor-in-Chief's Note: The Texas Water Journal invited Texas state Representative Tracy O. King, incoming chair of the House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources, to share his thoughts on what is ahead for the Natural Resources Committee.  The opinion expressed in this commentary is the opinion of the individual author and not the opinion of the Texas Water Journal or the Texas Water Resources Institute.

Received 26 February 2021, Accepted 3 March 2021, Published online 4 March 2021

Citation: King TO. 2021. Commentary: Fresh, Clean Water for Texans Now and for Generations to Come. Texas Water Journal. 12(1):40-41. Available from:

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Tracy King