Water Reuse in the Hill Country: Lessons from Existing Reuse Facilities in Texas and Opportunities to Advance Reuse in Comal County: Análisis de oportunidades en el condado de Comal, Texas
Cover photo:  The Narrows on the Blanco River. ©2020 Erich Ross Schlegel, Texas Water Foundation.


Purple pipe infrastructure
Texas Hill Country
Potable water
water reuse


The Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance outlines the opportunities present in the Texas Hill Country to use recycled water to alleviate the burdens placed on the Edwards and Trinity aquifers by focusing on the present state of recycled water use in Comal County, Texas. The impacts of population growth, prolonged drought, and wastewater disposal on water sources in Comal County are analyzed along with current sources of water reuse to show where recycled water can be utilized effectively. Reclaimed water systems in seven municipalities across Texas are analyzed as case studies to provide examples for further implementation. Water reuse is integral to protecting water supplies and ensuring counties in the Hill Country can adequately protect the health, safety, and quality of life of current and future residents. Water reuse is a vastly underutilized tool in the effort to manage water supplies in the Hill Country, and there are a variety of authorization, financing, and implementation opportunities present in the region to take better advantage of this resource.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Rachel Hanes