Commentary: 87th Texas State Legislature: Summaries of Water-Related Legislative Action
Cover photo: Llano River with fisherman. ©2018 Ray Uherek.


Texas Legislature
House Bill
Senate Bill
2021 session
87th Texas State Legislature
Texas water
flood planning
water management
Texas Water Law


Editor-in-Chief’s Note: September 1 of every odd-numbered year is the date when most new legislation from the most recent session of the Texas Legislature typically goes into effect. With this in mind, the Texas Water Journal invited seven organizations that work closely with the Texas Legislature to provide their take on the changes to Texas water policy and law that were made during the 2021 session. The opinions expressed in these summaries are the opinions of the individual organizations and not the opinions of the Texas Water Journal or the Texas Water Resources Institute.
Texas Water Conservation Association
Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts
Texas Water Foundation
Sierra Club, Lone Star Chapter
Texas Water Infrastructure Network
Texas Rural Water Association
Texas Desalination Association



S.B. 905, 87th Legislature, Regular Session (Texas 2021). Available from:

Associated Press. 2020 Sept 26. Deadly microbe water warning lifted for all but 1 Texas city. CBS Austin. Available from:

[CDC] Parasites — Naegleria fowleri — Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM) — Amebic Encephalitis. 2020. Atlanta (Georgia): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available from:

H.B. 2225, 87th Legislature, Regular Session (Texas 2021). Available from:

Kesslen B, Associated Press. 2020 Sept 29. Texas city where boy, 6, died of brain-eating amoeba to purge water system for 60 days. NBC News. Available from:

[LCRA] Algae in the Highland Lakes. 2021. Austin (Texas): Lower Colorado River Authority. Available from:

S.B. 601, 87th Legislature, Regular Session (Texas 2021). Available from:

H.B. 3583, 87th Legislature, Regular Session (Texas 2021). Available from:

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Todd H. Votteler, Ph.D.; Sarah Kirkle, Leah Martinsson, Sarah Rountree Schlessinger, Ken Kramer, Alex Ortiz, Perry Fowler, Jeff Chapman, Trent Hightower, Kyle Frazier