Water conservation behavior among water utility customers can be encouraged by engaging and educating customers about their consumption habits. To be successful, the information used to engage and educate must (1) be comprehensive, including both broad and narrow information, so that individuals understand where they fit into water management and how their actions impact water management and their community, and (2) help them make decisions about their use.
This article is a literature review of elements that can be incorporated into a customer-friendly information feedback interface. Some elements discussed are billing features, information about the water cycle, and local water sources, and local partnerships. The use of data is also addressed, and to that end, benefits of advanced metering infrastructure systems are mentioned. The details of these systems are not addressed. The intent of this research is to provide types and styles of information that can be combined to create an effective and meaningful information feedback system for water utility customers to encourage conservation.
Citation: Hawkins CAJ, Berthold TA. 2016. A literature review: developing an information feedback interface to encourage water conservation behavior among utility customers. Texas Water Journal. 7(1):40-55. Available from: https://doi.org/10.21423/twj.v7i1.7029.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Chelsea A.J. Hawkins, T. Allen Berthold